Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Hero

My personal hero has always been my mother. A lot of people write about there parents being there hero's just because they have no one else to write about but my mom is truly my hero and my favorite person in the world. She has been here for me throughout my whole life and supported me through everything I have set out to do and pushed me harder than anyone would. She has never given up on me, and although I do get mad at her for things like not getting me a dog... :) I still adore her. It does also bother me that she gets mad when my dad gives into things that I want, because my brothers and sisters and I all know that she wont be the one to give in so we all go and look to him. I do admit that I take her for granted sometimes, when I get mad at her and tell her that she doesn't do anything but I know that everyday while I'm off at school or doing whatever, she is at home cleaning up whatever mess I had left the day before :)

She is truly the most magnificent person I know, and I look up to her so much


  1. I love the fact that you included a photo. You should tell her. I'm sure she would be thrilled to know.

  2. That was very sweet of you to choose your mother as your personal hero. Mom's love hearing this stuff i bet it would even bring her to tears. You should definitely tell her.
