Thursday, May 13, 2010


Dear Megan,
Love stinks, ya ya. You talk about how you love me, and how you get to scrunch your toes in my sand, but I have to break the news to you that you will never scrunch your toes in my sand. I hate you, I am the beach, the sun shines down on me and with you on my beach, with your cold heart, you make the sun not want to come around. The sharks will come at you, be afraid. Never come back to me, I truly hate you. I will have the fish creep at your feet and have the sharks bite off your limbs. Even the albino crabs hate you. Your family tries to leave you with me because they don't love you either but you don't catch on. Stay away from me, stay away from my man eating sharks, my delicious sand and my beautiful sun rays. You deserve no love from me, the beach. I want to drop you down an elevator shaft, I loved you but now i want nothing to do with you. Goodbye Megan. Never will I speak to you again. You are nothing to me.
-The Beach

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Dear Matt,
I am writing to you to tell you how much love I feel for you. The way you played Lady Macbeth in the play the other day just made me love you so much more than I already did, which was already a lot. The way you hold my hand makes me feel the connection like never before. The way you spike your hair the way you wear those lime green shirts, there is just something about you that I can not let go of. I know that deep down you feel the connection too because the way you look at me, the way our eyes meet, just tells me your true feelings. Your true love for me gets me through the day with so much energy. You are forever my Lady Macbeth and I am forever your Norwell. You hide your true feelings with the word sleep, you write about how much you love sleep because it makes you happy, well I am your sleep and you are mine. You are my whole world. I live and I die for you Matt. Forever.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Feelings About Macbeth

This story Macbeth is very interesting. It is a tough read but the fact that Mr. Lunn reads it either out loud or has the computer read it, sometimes even both makes it a lot easier. If I had to read it by myself, I probably wouldn't understand it. Personally, the story is not too gruesome. I have no problem with blood, but other people might find it disgusting. I like the storyline and I especially like the witches in the computer version. I probably wouldn't like this book if Mr. Lunn didn`t explain it after most of the scenes because of the way it was written but because of how it is explained, it enjoy the story.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

writing skills

I have never been a good writer, and I don`t ever see myself ever being the one in a class that the teacher points out. Who ever decided to make up this hook, and this thesis rule was just trying to make life difficult for everyone else. Why a thesis, why can`t you sum up your thoughts in more than one sentence. It just doesnt make sence. I clearly do not do well with the thesis. I also can not start my sentences with varieties. He, she, them, they, the, those are the things that I start my sentences with. Another thing that I have problems with it simply starting a paper, once I get started I can usually handle it, but I always need someone to give me an idea or to push me through that beginning step. This has been a problem for me not only since freshman year, but my whole life. I don`t know where to start, ever. It makes me so frustrated because I don`t know how I am going to succeed in college without my mom there to push me through that one step. I think english would be ten times better if we just cut the whole writing thing out of the picture. Just my opinion.

This is the quote that sums up my writing abilities; I'm not a very good writer, but I'm an excellent rewriter. ~James Michener

Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Hero

My personal hero has always been my mother. A lot of people write about there parents being there hero's just because they have no one else to write about but my mom is truly my hero and my favorite person in the world. She has been here for me throughout my whole life and supported me through everything I have set out to do and pushed me harder than anyone would. She has never given up on me, and although I do get mad at her for things like not getting me a dog... :) I still adore her. It does also bother me that she gets mad when my dad gives into things that I want, because my brothers and sisters and I all know that she wont be the one to give in so we all go and look to him. I do admit that I take her for granted sometimes, when I get mad at her and tell her that she doesn't do anything but I know that everyday while I'm off at school or doing whatever, she is at home cleaning up whatever mess I had left the day before :)

She is truly the most magnificent person I know, and I look up to her so much

Friday, January 22, 2010


Welcome to Annie`s blog,
I am in 11th grade. When I was little my mom, big con, showed me the movie jaws. Ever since then I have been very afraid of sharks! I wont even go in the ocean. After high school I am planning on going to college at Florida State if I get in. I would like to go into sales just like my dad is. I want to get an education but I am planning on marrying someone very rich. My older brother goes to University of South Florida and he loves it! We have a condo in Tampa and whenever I go down there I do not want to leave, and I am not very picky about where I go to school so I thought I mines well go to a school in a place like Florida. I was thinking about going to USF like my brother does, but one of my best friends is thinking about Florida State. So I decided that I should go there too because if im going to go somewhere in Florida i mines well go where I know someone.
This is what i plan to do for my future so far! Thanks everyone who is checking out my blog!